Why SEO Specialists Are Vital for E-Commerce Businesses
trade sector. Academic publications, industry reports, market research studies, and credible websites will all find place here. The study will go over the body of current material on the subject and find that studies on the value of SEO and SEM in raising brand visibility in the e-commerce sector abound. This phase will enable one to grasp the present state of research and spot any research gaps; it will also help to extract pertinent data and information from the
found sources. This covers case studies, statistical data, results, important insights, and professional opinions about how SEO and SEM affect brand visibility in the e-commerce sector.First Case Study: Decathlon and Brand VisibilityWith 1,697 stores in over 60 countries and regions as at 2020, Decathlon is a French athletic goods retailer with tentacles. A private firm massive in the retail sector worldwide, Decathlon is the biggest athletic goods retailer in
the planet. Established in 1976 by Michel Lectercq with headquarters in Villeneuve d'Ascq, France with over 94,000 staff as at 2020 under Barbara Martin Coppola as CEO. Decathlon provides a wide range of products based on apparel, navigation, which results in a positive usnd management research; so, both quantitative and qualitative research methods are widely used and provide various data collecting and processing capabilities. This thesis thus
Takes use of the qualitative approach
since it seeks to uncover the success elements companies need to focus on in implementing the Account-based marketing campaign.Saunders etstrength facilitates the acquisition of plenty of detailed information (Ryan et al., 2009).Interviews are three flavors: Plan.Time-consuming preparing for, setting up, conducting, and grading the interviews demands the interviewer to be educated about the topic so as to not only be able to ask the relevant
questions but also adjust questions as major issues surface throughout the interview (Adams, 2015). Still, the acquired knowledge and insight are more than justified in effort.This thesis makes use of semi-structured interviews because of the flexibility allowing the researcher to probe the research participants with expert knowledge from their experience in implementing the Account-based marketing program as well as the capacity to investigate further about
important issues that might develop during the interviews. Overcoming the limitations of semi-structured interviews depends on preparation; that is, the researcher should be able to carefully plan how to demonstrate credibility and obtain confidence of the respondents (Saunders et al., 2016). While the researcher uses the literature examined about the topic to show credibility and get confidence of the interviewees by developing questions based on it,
Is also able to explore the topic
further in case major issues not covered in the literature arise during the interviews. More importantly, the researcher aims to overcome the challenge of generalizability by including research participants (interviewees) from all around the world, different sexes and with diverse degrees of experience and roles in applying the program.Semi-structured and unorganized interviews (Longhurst, Clifford, Cope, Gillespie, & French, 2016). at scheduled
interviews, well defined, regimented questions offer little or no room for straying from the topic at issue. For the interviewers Ryan et al., 2009, the same series of similar phrased questions applies. On the other hand, unstructured interviews resemble more of a discussion directed by the interviewer than they do of a list of questions (Longhurst et al., 2016.). In middle, semi-structured interviews offer a more flexible approach than planned ones.Semi-structured
interviews are best when the researcher's questions are open-ended or complex and when the sequence and logic of the questioning could need to be changed (Saunders et al., 2016). They gather data which can be used not only to reveal and understand the "what" and the "how," but also to investigate the "why," so allowing the researcher to probe answers, so enabling the interviewees to explain and build on their responses resulting into a rich and
Detailed set of data They employ
a mix of closed ad open-ended questions. Usually lasting an hour, they allow enough time for the flexibility in the questioning approach and serve to reduce interviewee and interviewer tiredness (Adams, 2015).They provide room for unexpected responses and issues that might arise during the interview and would be of interest for the interviewer to look into even if they also make use of an interview schedule for preselected subjects (Longhurst et al., 2016;
The adaptability of semi-structured interviews helps the interviewer to apply less structured questioning as well as the capacity to explore spontaneous and important issues raised by the interviewee, so allowing the researcher to omit some questions in particular depending on a specific organizational context encountered in relation to the research topic, as well as the order of some questions depending on the flow of the conversation (Ryan et al., 2009;
Saunders et al., 2016). The phrasing of the questions is vague and lets the interviewer use multiple degrees of language to clear things (Ryan et al., 2009).Designed to have a comprehensive awareness of problems by means of their textual interpretation, there are several qualitative techniques; the most generally applied ones are interviewing and observation (Jamshed, 2014). Interviews are extensively used as a data collecting tool within
qualitative research. Using interviews as the main data collecting tool helps the researcher to infer causal relationships between variables, that is, to understand the reasons for the decisions that the research participants have taken, or to gather information about interviewees experiences, views and beliefs concerning a specific research question or topic of interest (Ryan et al., 2009;for relevant keywords. SEM allows Decathlon to target
customers who have previously shown interest in their products, reinforcing brand visibility and generating repeated interactions. SEM enables Decathlon to expand its reach by displaying ads on various platforms, such as social media sites and partner websites, further increasing brand visibility and reaching a wider audience. Decathlon employs effective keyword research to target high-volume, relevant keywords in its website content, product
descriptions, and meta tags, ensuring improved visibility in organic search results. The brand focuses on producing high-quality and informative content that resonates with its target audience, attracting organic traffic, and boosting brand visibility. By investing in well-targeted and optimized campaigns, Decathlon enhances its brand visibility on search engine results pages and drives traffic to its website. Decathlon leverages social media platforms to enhance brand visibility, engaging with customers and regularly posting updates, promotions,
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