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needed for big projects and often used as main ideas in sophisticated presentations Drawing floor layouts calls for careful communication of major spatial relationships using standardized graphic standards. Different line weights are applied to represent depths and form's attributes The boldest line weight is used in conventional floor plans to define those elements such as full-height wall lines that have been cut through and closest to the spectator. Objects

ranging from fittings, built-ins, and furniture below the plane of the cut but above the floor plane are outlined using an intermediary line weight. Surface treatment of floor and other horizontal planes including tile and wood grai s outlined with a finer line weight. Things hidden are important strategies in intricate presentations Drawing floor layouts calls for careful

communication of major spatial relationships using standardized graphic standards. Different line weights are applied to represent depths and form's attributes. The boldest line weight is used in conventional floor plans to define those elements such as full-height wall lines that have been cut through and closest to the spectator. Objects ranging from fittings, built-ins

Furniture below the plane of the cut but above the floor

plane are outlined using an intermediary line weight. Surface treatment of floors and other horizontal planes including tile and wood grain is outlined with a finer line weight. Hidden objects, such shelves or above the plane of the cut, are dashed or ghosted in; this should be done consistently throughout the presentation Examples of town-house floor plans created

with AutoCAD software utilizing conventional standards and reference symbols are Figures 1-8a and 1-8b. Ground plans of the town house are freehand-drawn (without tools) figures 1-9a and 1-9b. Usually represented with an arc of their swing, standard doors are shown open at 90 degrees to the wall. The drawing of the door system has to take into account the door

frame and the space it needs (which implies the dimensions of the frame). Usually, windowsills are described with a thinner line weight just at the sill only. Showing in varied detail as scale permits are window frames and glass sheets. Usually portrayed as broken off past the height of the plane of the cut, stairs are symbolized with a unique cutline. With the

Phrase an arrow should be used to show the stair direction

from the level of the floor plan All floor layouts should have a title, a North arrow, and some sort of scale indication. One might express scale notation quantitatively, like 1⁄4" = 1'0". Many times, current practice calls for the employment of a graphic scaling tool, which lets one reduce, enlarge, and electronically transmit the designs Often seen on the floor plan, symbols

linking the floor plan to other orthographic views or features act as cross-reference.Good floor plan presentation calls for a strong knowledge of drafting rules. Presentation floor plans could be created freehand or meticulously using tools. Presentation floor plans must be accurate and created to the suitable scale regardless of the type of drawing so that they convey the

design and may be used by the designer as the project advances. Tone, value, color, and/or other graphic element use improves presentation floor layouts. the graphic improvement of the floor plans we are creating. Imagine yourself standing inside a room with one wall squarely facing you and a big glass image plane sandwiched between the wall and the

Viewer Then defining projecting onto the image plane the important

wall characteristics helps to generate the interior elevation. Projecting what is seen as the observer confronts that wall direct allows each wall of the space to be sketched in elevation.Beginning students may find interior elevations challenging to master. Still, they demand whole attention since effective communication of important design features depends

on precise elevations. Indicating their significance in defining the quality of a given space, Figures 1-12a and 1-12b are interior elevations showing somewhat diverse design concepts for the same lobby area Elevations used in design presentations differ substantially from those utilized in construction, much as floor layouts. Construction designs' elevations have to inevitably have both suitable technical information and major dimensions. Presenters can

draw more freely and frequently from those utilized for presentations; they also often contain less techically Figur Professional practice makes much use of interior elevations. Effective raisesDifferent line weights are needed at all elevations to effectively show spatial relationships. Usually, any section of walls cut through and those nearest to the observer are


rendered with a strong line weight. As one moves away from the picture plane, retreating elements are ever lighter in line weight. With the lines depicting the top and sides of the wall drawn only slightly lighter in weight, some designers draw the ground line as the boldest line. Figure shows townhouse project kitchen elevations must faithfully show all interior architectural details in a uniform scale. Usually drawn in a range from interior elevations are Chaptences go into more detail on elevations drawn to show accessories, furniture, cabinets,


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